Visit Food Shelf
Visiting the Food Shelf
- Wearing a mask is not required at this time. If the client feels ill or is more comfortable wearing a mask, they should wear a mask that covers their mouth and nose.
- The Plattsburgh Interfaith Food Shelf provides food to all residents of Clinton County in need of emergency food. There are no financial restrictions or requirements.
- The Food Shelf is designated as a resource for emergency food, and is not intended to or able to serve as a primary source of food.
- Clients will be offered approximately 4 days of food for each person in the household.
- Clients will be offered a set number of items within different food groups; distributions and selections are based on the number of people in a household.
- The number and choices of food selections, allowed number of visits and/or amount of food may be adjusted at any time to assure that the Food Shelf can continue to serve all clients.
- All selections may not be available. Additional items will be offered as available.
- Clients (households) may request full distribution of food up to 10 times per year.
- After 10 visits, clients will be offered limited distributions of food items. Limited distributions are limited to 2 times per month.
- Clients may visit the Food Shelf for “bonus” items (bakery items, produce, miscellaneous offerings) at any time. These visits do not count towards the limit of 10 visits per year.
- Information needed when registering for food is the names of all persons in the household, address and telephone number.
- Clients may be asked to show identification at the first yearly visit. If the client does not have a photo ID, alternative documentations that demonstrates residence in Clinton County (for example utilities bill) is acceptable.
- The Food Shelf cannot deliver food. Food may be picked up by another person for another household with a written note of permission; the person picking up the distribution should have all appropriate information (including address, phone number and names and ages of all persons in household).
- Clients are offered a set number of items within different food groups; distributions and selections are based on the number of people in a household. All selections may not be available. Additional items will be offered as available.
- Abuse of the services of the Food Shelf may result in loss of privileges of the Food Shelf for a defined period of time. Abuses include, but are not limited to the following:
- Refusal to follow directives of volunteers or policies of the Food Shelf.
- Providing incorrect information about household members, address or other requested information
Inappropriate behavior or language towards volunteers or other clients or people.
- Clients in need of more assistance for food should contact other community resources for assistance including agencies that can assist with obtaining SNAP, WIC, or other benefits for sustaining food resources. Additional resources include JCEO (518-561-6310), Social Services (518-565-3300), Meals on Wheels (518-565-4720); Veterans Feeding Veterans (518-565- 4720) or local Community Meals (St. Peter’s 518-563-1692; Salvation Army (518-561-2951). Trinity Episcopal (518-561-2244), St. Augustine’s (518- 643-2435). • For any questions or additional information, please contact the Plattsburgh Interfaith Food Shelf (518) 562-3663